Monday, January 25, 2010


The Empire of Mali had a mix of Islamic culture and African culture. Most of the Islamic influences came into Mali when Mansa Musa was king because he was Islamic and went on a very famous hajj. While he was in Mecca he saw all the advanced architecture, artwork and other displays of knowledge. Musa admired them so much that when he went back to Mali he brought with him architects and scholars from Mecca. A lot of these Islamic influences could be reflected in Timbuktu which, at the time, was a major center of education, culture, and trade. Mansa Musa had libraries, universities, and mosques built in Timbuktu. Religion was very important to people in Mali and one major religion was Islam. Islam was taken very seriously in Mali. When they were children most of the Malinke had to memorize the Quran by heart and if they couldn't they were punished until they could. Mansa Musa also had many mosques built in the Mali kingdom and spread the Islamic culture over the Mali Empire.

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